imperfect is PERFECT
Hello darkness my old friend.
Friday, September 22, 2017 | 1 cute earthling |

Hello there beautiful earthlings. How are you? I hope you guys feeling well. I'm doing just fine to just a little snort come out *puke* hahaha 

Well I'm just kidding about those. How do you say you are yourself but you don't feel like yourself lately? I was just asking those >.< Don't mind me hoomans. 

It's been a while. I haven't talk with my friends. I saw my sis recently. She's kinda depressed and I hope she's okay. We do talked but I hope I can be there with her. I know you've been through a lot these days. Be strong sis. 

Sometimes you just need to let go something that keeps you holding back your feelings. The way he treat you are not acceptable. Surround yourself with good people. Let the positive vibe in and the negatives out. You don't need them.

Don't ever think that you are alone. You have us. That's what friends are for. You have your family with you. You have God. So have Faith :')

*whatever it is I'm feeling right now >.<*

Thanks for reading :)

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