imperfect is PERFECT
small words from the little lady
Sunday, September 17, 2017 | 0 cute earthling |

hello there lovely people. It's been a while I haven't wrote anything on this cute little blog of mine *puke*. It's a new semester for me yes and I've been doing good by my own. 

I'm happy with my life now and I'm doing my best. I got this!!! >.< please look after me. A lot of things happens now and then but I will keep my chin up and face it bravely. I have my family that always be there for me. I have my friends who always do dumb stuffs to make me smile. I got HIM who knows what all inside my heart. The things I haven't spoken to others. And of course there's another one. Yes that's you. I haven't forgot about you baka :P 

I've been asking myself for a while now. What do you want? What you desire? Are you happy with your life now? Well mostly about everything. Us human are greedy. I am greedy. I want to be happy but at the same time, I don't want to make others hurt because of me. Especially to the one who we care so much. What would you choose? To make the one you love happy or happiness for yourself? 

Life is about choices. You the one who makes them. I got this from my dearest big brother. Whatever happens, choose what the best for you. Choose what makes you happy because you deserve it. Don't be so hard on yourself. 


Thanks for reading :)

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