imperfect is PERFECT
s day
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 | 1 cute earthling |

hey.. Sorry I haven't write anything lately. I had some trouble here and there and sorry for those who've been PM'ing me yet I didn't replay on any. I just had a really though time right now and it's been like forever like this. I didn't talk to any of my friends and I might look okay outside but inside I'm a mess. I keep on asking myself to be strong but it's keep crumbling down. It's not easy for me.

Look what have you done. Well it's not your fault and it's okay. I probably be okay but not today, not now. Time will heals I hope so. I wish you all the best. 

Sometimes I asked myself if is it a good time to move on? The answer? You guess. The heart want what it's wants. I can't help it sometimes. I can't help it every time. You don't know how I feel right? I told to it's a mess. haha

Maybe one day, when the times come I would let it all go. Set myself free. There's no regret and I won't lose anything. I won't and there's more beautiful things in life I should enjoy. There's more. I hope you do the same to. I've tried my best and it's just not went well. 

Things won't be the same I know about it. So starting today, I'm gonna forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains. I've got my family with me. My wonderful friends with me. I'm gonna look forward to what's coming next. 

and you make me cried again

Thanks for reading :)

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